Frequently Asked Questions

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Many Frequently Asked Questions about Gil, this site, and Explorer subscriptions are answered below!

Well, that's a good question that I am constantly reformulating the answer to as I develop as a human being! For the purposes of this site, I am the developer of a field of study which I call "integral anatomy." To that end, I have been teaching in the lab, lecture hall and online since 1995 to professionals from the whole range of healing and fitness modalities. Between 2005-2008 I produced The Integral Anatomy Series, 4 feature-length video volumes documenting the big-picture overview of my whole-person, whole-body approach to anatomy with on-camera dissection. I am the author of several books, and I am presently in the post-production stage of the "Anatomy from A to Z" project, a comprehensive and very detailed on-camera tour of human anatomy based on my integral, whole-body approach. I am presently based in Colorado Springs, Colorado, (thus the pretty pictures on the site of the beautiful natural surroundings here) where in addition to working full time in its laboratory, I also preside over the Board of Directors of the Institute for Anatomical Research, a 501(C)(3) non-profit corporation focused on expanding the study of integral anatomy through cadaver studies. With my partner in all things Rachel Scott, I am committed to developing this site to be a premiere educational resource for individuals and institutions to explore the human form in depth.

This site contains all manner of videos and courses for somanauts (soma = body, naut = explorer) to explore the wonders of the human body! Most of my courses instruct through the vehicle of cadaver dissection, through we also have plenty of inspirational and educational content that does not! The content on this site is an excellent and comprehensive companion for professionals in the massage, yoga, chiropractics, and bodywork fields, as well as folks who are simply curious to enrich their personal understanding. All are welcome!

Yes! Sign up for an Easy Rider subscription, there is no cost or obligation. When you do so you will immediately receive 3 full-length video courses stored in your very own Inner Space Library, including the videos-only versions of The Integral Anatomy Series, The Integral Anatomy Intensive, and the What's the Fuzz?! tour talk. There are over 17 hours of free-to-view videos on this site. I am on a mission to share a positive, uplifting and educational vision of the human form. Enjoy!

Click here to select the membership of your choice, and follow the checkout prompts. If you want access to the monthly Live with Gil sessions, be sure to choose one of the Explorer options, those are available to paid subscribers only!

Explorer subscription options include the $15/month or the $150/year memberships. Either option gets you into the Live with Gil sessions and recordings, as well as all other site features, for the term of your subscription. The monthly subscription will bill to your payment method monthly, and the yearly subscription will renew annually. You may cancel at any time by following the directions here. Your subscription will still be active through the end of the billing cycle in which you cancel.

Use your email and password to login to your existing account, select an Explorer subscription option, and follow the checkout prompts!

Cancel your subscription at any time by following the directions here.

In these live video calls, I address topics of interest ranging over issues of anatomical import to life in general, sometimes with the company of special guests. Subscribers who choose to join the call enjoy the live interaction with one another, the content I share, as well as learning from each other's questions in the Q & A portion of the call. Monthly Live with Gil calls and recordings are only included with paid Explorer memberships, not the Easy Rider!

Yes! All Live with Gil sessions are recorded for later review as a benefit to Explorer subscribers. Session recordings will generally be available within 48 hours of the live event. Posting recordings of good quality requires hours of post production work, which will be accomplished in as timely a manner as possible. Occasionally, because I am a real person who gets tired (!) and needs a break after producing a live event, it may take up to a week for the session recording to post. I appreciate your patience! All recorded sessions post in the Live with Gil course listing in the Inner Space Library of Explorer subscribers.

Inside the course! To register and link to the Live with Gil call, login to your Explorer subscription with your email and password. Scroll down a little bit in your Inner Space Library and click on the Live with Gil course listing. Within the course you will see where to register and link to the call. You can enter the call late, but please mute your audio!

Sometimes folks are logged in, but actually have accidentally created two accounts, one Explorer account, and one Easy Rider account, using a different version of their name, or a different email. If you have created a paid Explorer account but have logged into the free account, you will not see the Live with Gil course listing in your Library. Log out, and login to your other account! If you would like to consolidate your accounts, just contact Gil to get that taken care of :)

You're welcome to purchase a one-month only, all-access pass to my entire site here ~ it includes the current month's session of Live with Gil!

YES! Active, paid Explorer subscribers will find a number of for-credit courses in their Inner Space Library, with many more to come! Please click here to check if your professional organization accepts credit for the courses you wish to take. Once you complete a course and pass the quiz, you’ll be notified of your success and emailed a Certificate of Completion within a few days, which you may submit to your relevant professional organization.

To update your billing information, simply login to your account. In the dropdown menu, click Settings. In the upper right corner of the Settings page, click Billing. On the billing page, click Replace next to your credit card information, and follow the prompts to enter new or updated credit card information.


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