Continuing Education Credit

Structural Int.

Personal Training

""Gil Hedley has a unique and stellar ability to search, discover, and teach.” Judith Aston

Gil Hedley, PhD is a recognized continuing education provider for several different professional organizations. 

Different organizations have different requirements for continuing education courses. Please check below to see which courses are currently approved for credit by the organization relevant to your profession (massage, Pilates, yoga, etc.).

We are continually looking to include new organizations in our roster for credit. Please feel free to submit suggestions to us, and check back frequently to see what new courses have been registered. 


NCBTMB: In-Person (with NYS approval) & the Mississippi State Board of Massage Therapy 

 Gil Hedley, Ph.D. is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider and is also sponsored by NCBTMB to teach New York LMTs continuing education that is accepted by the state of New York for license renewal.” 

If you are a NY LMT seeking credit, please email us at [email protected] once you have received your certificate so that we may notify the NY Board of your completion. 

  • The Nerve Project: Exploring the Nerve Tree in Relationship (5 hr/CE)
  • 10-Day Intensive Hands-On Human Dissection Workshop (70hr/CE) ~ applies to 6+4 Day labs
  • 6-Day Intensive Hands-On Human Dissection Workshop (42hr/CE) ~ fixed or unfixed

NCBTMB: Online (with NYS approval) & the Mississippi State Board of Massage Therapy 

  • Live with Gil, Season One (14hr/CE)
  • Gil's Talks and Presentations: 2020 & 2021 (8.5hr/CE)
  • Dissection Series: Jerry (10hr/CE
  • Dissection Series: Margaret (10hr/CE)
  • Integral Anatomy Intensive (6hr/CE)
  • The Integral Anatomy Series (9hr/CE)
  • What's the Fuzz?! (5hr/CE)
  • Course 1 & Course 2 | Anatomy from A-Z
    • Course 1| Anatomy from A-Z: Beginnings
    • Course 2| Anatomy from A-Z: Skin, Superficial Fascia, Perifascia & Deep Fascia
    • Take both courses, then take the review quiz at the end of Course 2 to earn 15hr/CE total 
  • Course 3| Anatomy from A-Z: Muscle Layer: Pectoralis Major, Deltoid, Trapezius, and Latissimus Dorsi (9.5hr/CE)
  • Course 4| Anatomy from A-Z: Muscle Layer: The Gluteals, Tensor Fasciae Latae, Sartorius, Gracilis (9.5hr/CE)
  • Course 5 | Anatomy from A-Z: Abdominals and Intercostals (12 hr/CE)
  • Course 6|Anatomy from A - Z: Muscle Tissue: Shoulder, Neck & Arm (14.5hr/CE)
  • Course 7 | Anatomy from A-Z: Posterior Leg: Hamstrings, Lower Leg, Plantar Foot (17.5 hr/CE)
  • Course 8 | Anatomy from A-Z: Anterior Leg: Compartments of Lower Leg, Dorsum of Foot, Quadriceps (10 hr/CE)
  • Course 9 | Anatomy from A - Z: Muscle Layer: Pars Intima, Adductor Group, Deep Six Lateral Rotators (9.5hr/CE)
  • Course 10 | Anatomy from A-Z: Muscle Layer - Spine (10.5hr/CE)
  • Course 11 | Anatomy from A-Z: Tissues and Structures of the Neck (12.5 hr/CE)
  • Course 12 | Anatomy from A-Z: Muscle Layer - Forearm and Hand (15hr/ CE)
  • Course 13 | Anatomy from A-Z: Muscle Layer - Muscles of Mastication (5 HR/ CE)
  • Course 14 | Anatomy from A-Z: Abdominal Viscera (15.5 hr/CE)
  • Course 15 | Anatomy from A-Z: Retroperitoneal and Pelvic Viscera (8 hr/CE) 
  • Course 16 | Anatomy from A-Z: Thoracic Viscera (16.5 hr/CE)
  • Course 17 | Anatomy from A-Z: Deep Muscle Layer: Iliacus, Psoas, Quadratus Lumborum, Diaphragm, Intertransversarii (6.25 hr/CE)
  • Course 18 | Anatomy from A-Z: Appendicular Skeleton (15 hr/CE)
  • Course 19 | Anatomy from A-Z: Axial Skeleton
  • Course 20 | Anatomy from A-Z: Cranium & BrainCMTBC - In-Person 

Florida Board of Massage Therapy

  • The Nerve Project: Exploring the Nerve Tree in Relationship (5 hr/CE)
  • Dissection Series: Jerry (10hr/CE
  • Dissection Series: Margaret (10hr/CE)

National Manual Osteopathic Society (Canada)

  • The Nerve Project: Exploring the Nerve Tree in Relationship (5 hr/CE)

Structural Integration (IASI)

  • The Nerve Project: Exploring the Nerve Tree in Relationship ~ 5 hr/CE
  • Integral Anatomy Intensive (6hr/CE)
  • The Integral Anatomy Series (9hr/CE)
  • What's the Fuzz?! (5hr/CE)


American Bowen Academy

  • The Nerve Project: Exploring the Nerve Tree in Relationship ~ 5 hr/CE
  • In-Person Laboratory Courses:  16 CE hours; $25 processing fee.

College of Bowen Studies, UK

  • All of Gil's courses are eligible for CPD


National Pilates Certification Program - In-Person

  • The Nerve Project: Exploring the Nerve Tree in Relationship ~ 5 hr/CE
  • 6-Day Intensive Hands-On Human Dissection Workshop (42hr/CE) ~ fixed or unfixed
  • 4-Day Dissection Extended Study Session (28hr/CE~ fixed or unfixed

National Pilates Certification Program - Online

  • Dissection Series: Jerry (10hr/CE)
  • Dissection Series: Margaret (9.5hr/CE)
  • Integral Anatomy Intensive: (6hr/CE)
  • The Integral Anatomy Series (9hr/CE)
  • What's the Fuzz?! (5hr/CE)
  • Gil's Talks and Presentations (8.5hr/CE)
  • Live With Gil, Season 1 (16hr/CE)
  • Anatomy from A-Z: Skin, Superficial Fascia, Perifascia & Deep Fascia (15hr/CE)
  • Anatomy from A-Z: Muscle Layer: Pectoralis Major, Deltoid, Trapezius, and Latissimus Dorsi (9.5hr/CE)
  • Anatomy from A-Z: Muscle Layer: The Gluteals, Tensor Fasciae Latae, Sartorius, Gracilis (9.5hr/CE)

  • Anatomy from A-Z: Muscle Layer: Shoulder, Neck & Arm (14.5hr/CE)
  • Anatomy from A-Z: Muscle Layer - Hip: Pars Intima, Adductor Group, Deep Six Lateral Rotators (9.5hr/CE)
  • Anatomy from A-Z: Muscle Layer - Spine (10.5hr/CE)
  • Anatomy from A-Z: Tissues and Structures of the Neck (12.5 hr/CE)
  •  Anatomy from A-Z: Muscle Layer - Forearm and Hand (15hr/ CE)
  • Anatomy from A-Z: Muscle Layer - Muscles of Mastication (5 HR/ CE)
  • A-Z: Deep Muscle Layer: Iliacus, Psoas, Quadratus Lumborum, Diaphragm, Intertransversarii (6.5 hr/CE) 


International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) 

  • The Nerve Project: Exploring the Nerve Tree in Relationship ~ 5 hr/CE
  • Dissection Series: Jerry (10hr/CE)
  • Dissection Series: Margaret (10hr/CE)
  • Integral Anatomy for Yogis (55 hours) - available here

Yoga Alliance - In-Person & Online

As a "professional with significant experience and education in a subject related to at least one Educational Category", Gil is recognized as an expert according to the standards of Yoga Alliance, and thus his content may count towards continuing education credit in the Anatomy and Physiology educational category. 

Original Hot Yoga Association

  • The Nerve Project: Exploring the Nerve Tree in Relationship ~ 5 hr/CE - may be submitted

Personal Training


Gil is a recognized approved provider for ACE.  The following courses are already registered. 

  • The Nerve Project: Exploring the Nerve Tree in Relationship ~ 5 hr/CE
  • What the Fuzz?! (5hr/CE) - pre-approved

All of Gil's additional courses may be petitioned for ACE CECs for a $25 fee.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Zhong (Netherlands)

  • Dissection Series: Jerry (10hr/CE)
  • Dissection Series: Margaret (10hr/CE)


Physical Therapy & Occupational Therapy

OPTA (Ohio Physical Therapy Association)

CPTA (California Physical Therapy Association)

Florida Board of Physical Therapy

Michigan State Board of Occupational Therapy

Michigan Board of Massage Therapy

APTA Kentucky (self-submit, category 1)

All recognize:

  •  The Nerve Project: Exploring the Nerve Tree in Relationship ~ 5 hr/CE (eligible for 4.75 hr/CE)

Frequently Asked Questions

Once you complete a for-credit course with the required quiz, you will receive a certificate of completion. You can then submit the certificate to your professional organization of choice.

No, there are some courses on the site that are either not designed for credit (such as video-only free courses) or have not yet been submitted to registration organizations for credit (like some of the courses in the A-Z archive). Keep an eye on the list on this page for updates. 

Different credentialing organizations allocate credit in different ways. Some count the final quiz towards hours of credit; some don't. Some have a maximum numbers of hours that they will allocate for a given program; others have no limit. We do our best to obtain the most accurate continuing education number of hours for you. 


50% Complete

Two Step

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